Client Quote

" We have been working with Richard and Ceonex Consulting now for several years and have developed an excellent working relationship between our small businesses. Richard and his team created a brand new highly interactive website for us that is performing very well. In addition, Ceonex was very dynamic and responsive to working with my team on changes and modifications we requested. I would highly recommend Ceonex Consulting for your next website development project. "

Scott Beeson,
VP Production & Product Engineering,
Holocom, Inc.

What's New?


United Technologies engages Ceonex to perform the Intellectual Property separation required by the sale of Sikorsky to Lockheed Martin. Ceonex is also engaged by Sikorsky/Lockheed to help with IP import and designing/buiding SharePoint Search for IP documents.

News Archive


New site for Holocom (physical network security) launches. Ceonex worked with Holocom to create a fully integrated B2B catalog/quoting/ordering application for their network security products. The B2B platform includes product browsing and ordering, allows contractors to create and manage multiple lists of products for different projects, and provides for contractor-to-distributor and distributor-to-Holocom online quoting with multiple pricing schedules.

12.19.2014 - Present (2016)

Working with UTC personnel, Ceonex was the primary contractor responsible for migrating United Technologies' intellectual property data from one system to another (in this case FIP to Anaqua). This project required a background in intellectual property as well as extensive data mapping, transformation, and clean up. Ceonex has continued to work with United Technologies' legal and IT staff on an ongoing basis since the successful completion of the migration in May 2015.


Ceonex starts design work on Custrev, a start up site providing client information to certain market segments. Focus group convened.


The Ceonex team is in Las Vegas to promote Fencetimator, our online fence project estimation tool for fence companies to offer their customers.


Ceonex launches Alpha version of WhattaPlay, the site that "gives all sports fans a voice." Members share their sports takes, make their picks, and compete for the top spot on the leaderboard.


US Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, adopts Ceonex's Enterprise Time and Attendance (ETA) system. Ceonex customizes the application for the District.


Ceonex builds a Document Management application for the Army Corps of Engineers. This application manages the scanning of the massive historic document collection of the Corps New England District (scanning is done by the Defense Logistics Agency). We automated the insertion of metadata into the scanned pdf documents and designed and built the SharePoint search site for these documents. We also built Content Management metadata hooks for future use.


Army Corps of Engineers requests Ceonex's ETA system for Transatlantic use.


Ceonex presented at Microsoft's Academy Live on January 26, 2011.


Ceonex works with Microsoft/FAST's program manager, Jeff Fried, to build demonstration sites for the newly integrated FAST search in SharePoint. These demos show how search can be integrated seamlessly into applications in addition to tranditional search.


Content Delivery Network (CDN) provider NetDNA launches. Branding, site design and content writing provided by Ceonex.

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Ceonex Ten Years in Business! 1998 - 2008

Ceonex is celebrating it's 10th year in business!
We thank all our customers, partners and employees for the great time and are looking forward to the next 10 years!

Ceonex - scalable  business  solutions