Successful Digital Solutions

We have been providing internet consulting, web development, web design, branding, system integration and many other scalable business solutions for B2B, B2C and B2E since 1998.

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Ceonex White papers

View below White papers, written by our Executives, on CRM, Internet Security, Web Development, User Experience, Web Design, Online Branding, Flash Animation and many other interesting Internet Development topics. Some have been published in magazines some are exclusive to our site. All rights are reserved and permission to republish is only granted if the content is not altered in any way, and clear credit is given to Ceonex and the Author with a link back to No other use is permitted.

The Power of Interactivity

Since people experience their lives through interactivity, it is little wonder that we respond with the most interest and comfort when our Internet experiences feel interactive as well. Interactivity plays an important role in conversion on the web. As web technology increases, along with Internet usage, it is crucial to consider if your web site is taking advantage of today's opportunities to interact with prospects and customers.

What Drives a Sale?

When a consumer chooses to buy, do they base their decision on meeting a specific need with specific requirements? Or are there other components to the sale?

The marketplace offers a large abundance of similar products and services - we have our choice of automobiles, sliced bread, long distance providers and laundry detergent. Few products and services are truly unique, and those that do create something new find the competition quickly scrambling to create something similar for a lesser price. You've all heard of Viagra. Now, Cialis is turning relaxing moments into a booming 56% market share for new treatment prescribed by urologists for erectile dysfunction.


Customer retention can greatly be improved by focusing on the often misunderstood subject of Customer Relationship Management.

  • Collection of crucial information, data and statistics allow a company to keep in touch with users in a very customized, highly targeted way. Yet how does a company define their specific immediate CRM business needs in order to match that up with a solution?
  • How to choose a solution that will address all needs yet be also easy enough to implement throughout the whole organization?
  • How cost effective is the selected solution in the short, and long term?
  • Those and many other questions and issues are addressed and discussed in this Ceonex CRM White paper.

Increasing Revenues

Taking your hosting business to the next level

Despite a dot-com fallout on the tails of overly optimistic forecasts, the web hosting industry continues to grow. The challenge these days for many web hosts, however, is to capture a piece of this growing market and increase revenues in the process.

Read our whitepaper to find an analysis of the hosting industry and its challenges today - as well as learn about solutions to raise revenues despite strong competition.

You will find out:

  • Why improving your web site will add to your bottom line
  • How defining your target market will help you stand out from the crowd
  • What to consider when weighing cost versus ROI
  • And more

Top Ten Methods to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is absolutely critical to the success of your web site. BUT... it's not enough to simply have your web site listed by today's most popular search engines. What's absolutely critical is being ranked in their top thirty selections (and ideally, in their top ten) when someone is searching for a business like yours.

Corporate / Product Identity and Strategy

Establishing a solid corporate identity is vital for companies in today's overcrowded market. Because consumers are increasingly overwhelmed by the number of choices presented to them, it is crucial to differentiate your product or service from the competition.
By unconsciously establishing a personal relationship to the corporations we choose to do business with and the products that we buy, we build a foundation for loyalty. Ceonex can help your company discover and utilize its true identity. We will also assist and instruct you on specific strategies to bring your corporation to the next level!

You will find out:

  • About the Customer / Corporate Relationship
  • What is Corporate Identity?
  • About the Different Types of Corporate Identity
  • How a Company can transfer its Corporate Identity into its products
  • How to Communicate Corporate Identity through Product Identity

Web Design & Branding

Most companies nowadays either already have a web site, are planning to develop one, or know that they need one. Yet what not all companies are aware of is that online - first impressions are everything. If a user cannot find his way through the site and access relevant information quickly and easily - the next website is just a click away. A well planned Information Architecture that a user friendly Web Design can then be based on is essential to a websites success.

  • What makes a web design sell products or services?
  • How does a web design successfully extend your existing brand online?
  • How does a web design provide a memorable and efficient user experience?
  • What are common web design pitfalls that need to be avoided?
  • How to create a successful web design.

Building Enticing E-Commerce Sites With Contextual Relevance

Creating an effective, enticing, user-friendly website is essential if you want to connect with your audience. Contextual relevancy is the biggest factor when it comes to commercial websites. By using an appropriate color scheme, a clear visual hierarchy and an intuitive navigation structure, it's much easier to connect on an emotional level with your target audience. The goal is also to allow consumers to connect with your product or service as effectively as possible. What makes an enticing, user-friendly website? Let's find out.

Read the White paper - Coming soon

Internet Security

One of the most valuable assets is a company's data, including information about customers, partners and prospects. Application and Infrastructure Security are a key component to ensuring the privacy of your customers and the integrity of the business.

While security is often seen as the Achilles heel of web sites, this does not have to be the case. With proper application design and development, design of a network, tightening of the operating system - including ongoing patching - and employment of security tools and monitoring, a web site can be built as a very secure solution.

Security for a web site can be broken into two main areas:

  • Infrastructure and Hosting Security
  • Application Security

Read in-depth about Internet Security in this exclusive Ceonex White paper.

Flash Design & Development

Flash is a very controversial topic. Some say it is the future of the web. Some say that it should be banned. Both sides have a point. Creating a web site is not about showcasing your professional skills. It is about creating an environment where the user can easily access information, complete tasks and accomplish his goal without feeling frustrations in learning how to use a website. Yet at the same time Flash can greatly enhance the User Experience and effectiveness of a website if used in moderation and in a non-intrusive manner, while adhering to basic usability guidelines.

  • Will an out of this world Flash Intro increase your sales?
  • Will a Flash Site help you sell your products?
  • Will an Interactive Flash Interface help your users to navigate your site?
  • Will Interactive Flash Games and Flash Programming make your site stand above or below your competition?
  • Will a Flash Banner and Flash Advertisements result in higher click through rates than more traditional forms of advertisements online?
  • How can Flash Animations help?
Read the White paper - Coming soon
Read the White paper - Coming soon

User Experience

Doing business on the internet requires more than a web site, it requires a distinct web identity and tremendous exposure. Ceonex helps companies and their customers find each other on the web-and makes the introduction unforgettable.

  • Defining the corporate brand online
  • Defining all product and service brands online within the corporate brand
  • Building a visual and functional user front end that focuses exclusively on providing an exceptional user experience while conveying company, service and product information
  • Causing the desired emotional response in a user to facilitate conversion to a client
  • Building sites that move beyond merely conveying information. They have to advertise, motivate, excite and inspire. Thus users will be more likely to remember and recommend your site
  • Researching your target audience's behavior, needs, technical know how level etc.

Web Development

  • Corporate Identity and Strategy - Establishing a conceptual and visual identity that corresponds to the defined direction of the company
  • Information Architecture - Architecting the site content and information in a logical and easy to access manner. Facilitating thereby the desired ease for the user to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Allowing the user to focus on the subject at hand rather than searching for information on the site.
  • User Experience - Designing all Interfaces in a highly user friendly way. Also ensuring brand consistency across all media.
  • Application Development - Developing any applicable back-end programs to facilitate user interaction with the company and offerings on a highly functional level to allow any kind of online transactions and a completely centralized information collection and access point - accessible from any location.
  • System Integration - Integrating all developed components into any existing application and back office infrastructure
  • Analysis - Analyzing site visitor behavior through traffic analysis, usability studies and interactive polling. Recommending and making site and aplication adjustments to improve usability and user experience
Read the White paper - Coming soon
Read the White paper - Coming soon



PixelBrick (Ceonex, Inc.) stayed on schedule and on budget... to release the project ahead of schedule! We look forward to working with PixelBrick (Ceonex, Inc.) on future projects.

Keith Gill,
Vice President,
Marketel Systems LTD.


...outstanding design work and timely implementation...a fabulous website that accurately captures both our mission and spirit...

W. Michael Draper,
NetworkWorld, Inc.


Ceonex - scalable  business  solutions